Oct 3, 2024

Ashtanga Yoga Home Practice Kit

You'll need:
Practice Space
Practice Surface
Comfortable clothing
Yoga Mala book

1.  Tristhana - Focus on breathing (through the nose, around the ribs), squeezing anus, concentrating the gaze
2.  When not to practice - first 3 days of menstruation, sick with fever, saturday or sunday, full/new moon day

What to practice -
Surya Namaskar A 1-5 times and last three asanas each day until you can keep the tristhana the whole time.  If you can maintain that for at least a week, then add the next element, Surya Namaskar B.
Repeat Surya Namaskar A 1-5 times and Surya Namaskar A 1-3 times and last three asanas each day until you can keep the tristhana the whole time.  If you can maintain that for at least a week, then add the next element, padangusthasana and padahastasana.
Keep going like this and eventually get yourself to a teacher!

Home Practice Support

What to do if you can't make it to a Shala everyday.

Establish a relationship with a living person.
Ideally with just one.
Drop in when you can.
Workshops and retreats.

Create a space.
Clean, distraction free.
Regular time of day.
Quality, not quantity.

In the meantime.
Yoga Mala.
Sharath DVD
Sharath CD

Should I practice if (continued)... by Elise Espat

I don't have very much time?
Yes.  Do what you have time for.

I'm running late?
Yes.  See above.  Quality, never quantity.

I don't have a local shala and I've never established an Ashtanga practice?

I don't have a local shala but I do have an established practice?

Pinto bean hummus with beet & avocado salad, chapati, and rice

This simple dinner is delicious and easy to prepare.

Pinto bean hummus
  • Pinto beans (drained of liquid)
  • Tahini
  • Lemon
  • Salt
  • Olive Oil 
  • Paprika
Place pinto beans and tahini in blender and blend playing with ratios until desired consistency is reached.  Add lemon and salt to taste.  Blend until smooth.  Garnish with olive oil and paprika.

 Beet & avocado salad
  • Red cabbage
  • Beets
  • Avocado
  • Lemon
  • Pomegranate seeds
  • Olive Oil
Slice red cabbage super-thin and place in bowl.  Shred beets and add to bowl.  Slice avocado.  Add poegranate seeds.  Add queeze of lemon and olive oil.

  • Water
  • Rice
1 cup rice to two cups water in pan.  Cover and bring to boil.  Turn down low until fully cooked. 

  • 2 cups Wheat flour
  • 1 cup Water
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil
Place wheat flour in bowl.  Slowly add a little water and knead.  Add a little more water and knead.  Keep going like this until similar to play-dough adding more or less water as necessary.  Set aside for at least a half hour and even overnight in the fridge.  Turn on skillet.  Dust surface with flour.  Pinch of golf ball size of dough.  Roll into ball and then press down on surface.  Roll it out.  Putoil in pan.  Place rolled out dough in pan and let cok until medium sized bubbles begin to form.  Flip.  Let it puff up for a little bit.  Serve.

The Yogic Diet - 3 Gunas

Sattvic (pure) foods
Vegetables -
Fruits - fresh, dried, pure juice
Protein -legumes, nuts, seeds
Grains - corn, barley, wheat, unpolished rice, oat, millet, quinoa
Herbs -
Natural sweeteners - honey, molasses, maple syrup, apple juice concentrate
Dairy - milk, butter, cheese, yogurt

Rajasic (overstimulating) foods
Vegetables - onions, garlic, radishes
Stimulants/intoxicants - coffee, tea, tobacco,
Heavily spiced/salted
Food eaten on the run
White sugar
Prepared mustard
Pungent spices
Anything excessively hot, bitter, sour, or saline

Tamasic (putrified) foods
meat, fish, eggs
intoxicants, alcohol
stale, rotten, decomposed, unclean, underripe, overrripe, fermetned, burned, fried, barbequed, reheated, canned, processed, prepared, mushrooms, vinegar, overeating (overeating sattvic foods makes them tamasic)

Additional considerations
Factory farming and dairy...

Sivananda Yoga Cookbook

Eat more chapatis

The first time I ate a chapati was in Mysore, India and it felt very familiar.  I grew up in New Mexico on my grandma's flour tortillas which we used instead of a spoon to eat pinto beans and chile.  I was really struggling on my first trip to India and those chapatis helped me feel at home.  I later took a cooking class with Tina in Mysore and I remember being very impressed at how simple they were to make and delicious!  I attempted my own chapatis, only to yield crackers that were nothing like the fluffy pillows Tina had taught us to make.  I gave up for some time, focusing instead on homemade dosas.  I was also gluten-free for a few years, so chapatis weren't on my mind...until recently.

I decided to give chapati making another go.  The first time, the dough was too dry, but the chapatis came out alright.  After that, they keep getting better and better!

You'll need:
2 cups Wheat flour
1 cup water
salt to taste
rolling pin

Make the dough:
Combine ingredients
Knead dough
Set aside

Time to make the chapatis:
Dust a little flour on your rolling surface.  Heat oil in pan.  You know it is hot enough when you sprinkle water on the pan and it pops.


Pinch off a golfball size amount of dough and roll into a ball.  Place on dusted surface.  Be careful not to burn the oil.

Gently press ball into disc shape.

Roll out dough.

For some reason, it seems to be helpful to turn the dough between rolls.

Place chapati in pan and repeat rolling process.

Allow air bubbles to form.

When the bubbles get more prominent, flip the chapati.

The chapati will inflate like a hot-air balloon.  If it is not inflating, you can press down the edges with a towel.  This seals any cracks and will allow the chapati to inflate.

Time for an oil bath?

Directions and videos http://aylibrary.blogspot.com/2012/01/castor-oil-baths.html

Boonchu Tanti http://alliscoming.com/
Jessica Walden
Elise Espat
Facebook facebook.com/theyogacomics

Led Class Etiquette

How to be the most polite of Ashtangis:

Read our etiquette
1.  Know your practice space.  Go the yoga shale's website and find out how much class will cost and if you can pay by cash, card, or either.  Are there yoga mats available to borrow or should you bring your own?  Read any recommendations or etiquette notes and follow them.
2.  Leave refreshments at home or work, etc.  Asana is practiced on an empty stomach. There are some exceptions (such as pregnancy).  If you aren't sure, contact the shala and ask.
3.  Wear clean, comfortable clothing.
4.  Arrive early.  If class starts at 6:30am, be there at 6:15am.  This allows plenty of time to sign-in, pay, fill out forms, put away your belongings, use the restroom, set up your mat, etc.

1. Introduce yourself to the teacher if you are new.
2. Always alert the teacher to any conditions.
3. Ask the teacher where to place your mat.
4. Be aware of where water is for Garba pindasana
5. Maintain silence.

1. Wait for the count.
2. If you are a Mysore student, stop at your last asana and wait for further instruction.

Visual Traveling: India


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