Oct 3, 2024

The Yogic Diet - 3 Gunas

Sattvic (pure) foods
Vegetables -
Fruits - fresh, dried, pure juice
Protein -legumes, nuts, seeds
Grains - corn, barley, wheat, unpolished rice, oat, millet, quinoa
Herbs -
Natural sweeteners - honey, molasses, maple syrup, apple juice concentrate
Dairy - milk, butter, cheese, yogurt

Rajasic (overstimulating) foods
Vegetables - onions, garlic, radishes
Stimulants/intoxicants - coffee, tea, tobacco,
Heavily spiced/salted
Food eaten on the run
White sugar
Prepared mustard
Pungent spices
Anything excessively hot, bitter, sour, or saline

Tamasic (putrified) foods
meat, fish, eggs
intoxicants, alcohol
stale, rotten, decomposed, unclean, underripe, overrripe, fermetned, burned, fried, barbequed, reheated, canned, processed, prepared, mushrooms, vinegar, overeating (overeating sattvic foods makes them tamasic)

Additional considerations
Factory farming and dairy...

Sivananda Yoga Cookbook

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