Showing posts with label yoga books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoga books. Show all posts

Dec 12, 2024

Reading List: Yoga / India Books

Yoga essentials reading list:

Yoga Sutras

Bhagavad Gita Mahabharata


Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Yoga/India beach reads:

Holy Cow

First there is a mountain Enlightenment for idiots


Yoga School Dropout

Spiritual literature:

The Alchemist


Ashtanga (Jois Family):

Yoga Mala Pattabhi Jois

Astanga Yoga Pattabhi Jois, Lino Miele, John Scott, Sharath Rangaswamy

Ashtanga Yoga Anusthana Sharath Jois

Ageless Sharath Jois

Surya Namaskara Pattabhi Jois

Ashtanga Yoga Manju Jois, Greg Tebb

Yoga Philosophy:

Yoga History:


Ashtanga Yoga:


Notes in progress.. .

Jul 6, 2013

House Recommendations by Angela Jamison

Angela Jamison's (Ashtanga Yoga : Ann Arbor) "House Recommendations" are definitely on this year's ashtanga yoga reading list.  You can read it online/print for free or order a bound hard copy here.  Design and edits by Laura Shaw Feit. 

Apr 14, 2013

Weekend Edition #9

Some notes and highlights from the week:

Leslie Kaminoff explains "accessory breathing":

Meet the Sweetest Vegan:

I'm going to Florida August 17 & 18 (I'll see you there!)
On facebook
The Shala's website
The details:
Sat. 8:30AM – 11AM Led Primary
Traditional Sanskrit count of asanas and vinyasas we well as each and every inhale and exhale. Ride each breath in and out, allow your mind to sink down, and surrender to the current. We will finish with deep relaxation and chanting.

Sat. 1PM – 4PM The Strength to Surrender
When we untether ourselves from mental chatter we are able to soften the heart, trust fully, embrace faith, and open to possibility. We begin to experience a lightness in the body and mind and an ease in practice that flows into all areas of our lives. Spend the afternoon with Elise delving into this topic to gain insight into where you are in your journey, what is holding you back, keeping you stuck, or bringing stuff up. Learn how to tap into the tools you already have to help you trust this process, let go, and feel more joy in life. Elise will touch on the mental and physical aspects of heat, resistance, purification and sweet sweet surrender.

Sun 8:30AM-11AM
Mysore & Chanting The weekend culminates with Mysore practice and chanting that shakes us to the core and aligns all aspects of our being with the light within.

Recommended Reads:
I may have recommended this before and here it is again:  The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with commentary by Swami Satchidananda.  Yes, it comes en espanol tambien.

"Disease, dullness, doubt, carelessness, laziness, sensuality, false perception, failure to reach firm ground and slipping from the ground gained -- these distractions of the mind-stuff are the obstacles.
Accompaniments to the mental distractions include distress, despair, trembling of the body, and disturbed breathing.
The practice of concentration on a single subject [or the use of one technique] is the best way to prevent the obstacles and their accompaniments."

vyādhistyānasaṁśaya pramādālasyāvirati
व्याधिस्त्यानसंशय प्रमादालस्याविरति
bhrāntidarśanālabdha bhūmikatvānavasthitatvāni
भ्रान्तिदर्शनालब्ध भूमिकत्वानवस्थितत्वानि
cittavikṣepāste 'ntarāyāḥ
चित्तविक्षेपास्ते ऽन्तरायाः
~Yoga Sutras 1.30-32

Sep 18, 2012

Yoga Sutras - Samadhi Pada

1.1   atha yogānuśāsanam
1.2   yogaścittavtti nirodha
1.3   tadā draṣṭu svarūpe'vasthānam
1.4   vttisārūpyamitaratra
1.5   vttaya pañcatayya kliṣṭākliṣṭā
1.6   pramāaviparyayavikalpanidrāsmtaya
1.7   pratyakśānumānāgamā pramāāni
1.8   viparyayo mithyājñānamatadrūpapratiṣṭham
1.9   śabdajñānānupātī vastuśūnyo vikalpa
1.10 abhāvapratyayālambanā vttirnidrā
1.11 anubhūtaviayāsapramoa smti
1.12 abhyāsavairāgyābhyā tannirodha
1.13 tatra sthitau yatno'bhyāsa
1.14 sa tu dīrghakālanairantaryasatkārāsevito dṛḍhabhūmi
1.15 dṛṣṭānuśravikaviayavitṛṣṇasya vaśīkārasajā vairāgyam
1.16 tatpara puruakhyāterguavaitṛṣṇyam
1.17 vitarkavicārānandāsmitārūpānugamāt saprajñāta
1.18 virāmapratyayābhyāsapūrva saskāraśeo 'nya
1.19 bhavapratyayo videhapraktilayānām
1.20 śraddhāvīryasmtisamādhiprajñāpūrvaka itareām
1.21 tīvrasavegānāmāsanna
1.22 mdumadhyādhimātratvāt tato'pi viśea
1.23 īśvarapraidhānādvā
1.24 kleśakarmavipākāśayairaparāmṛṣṭa puruaviśea īśvara
1.25 tatra niratiśaya sarvajñabījam
1.26 sa ea pūrveāmapi guru kālenānavacchedāt
1.27 tasya vācaka praava
1.28 tajjapastadarthabhāvanam
1.29 tata pratyakcetanādhigamo'pyantarāyābhāvaśca
1.30 vyādhistyānasaśaya pramādālasyāvirati bhrāntidarśanālabdha bhūmikatvānavasthitatvāni cittavikepāste 'ntarāyā
1.31 dukhadaurmanasyagamejayatvaśvāsapraśvāsā vikepasahabhuva  
1.32 tatpratiedhārthamekatattvābhyāsa  
1.33 maitrīkaruāmuditopekāā sukhadukhapuyāpuya viayāā bhāvanātaścittaprasādanam
1.34 pracchardanavidhāraābhyā vā prāasya  
1.35 viayavatī vā pravttirutpannā manasa sthitinibandhinī  
1.36 viśokā vā jyotimatī  
1.37 vītarāgaviayam vā cittam
1.38 svapnanidrājñānālambanam vā
1.39 yathābhimatadhyānādvā
1.40 paramāuparamamahattvānto asya vaśīkāra
1.41 kīavtterabhijātasyeva maergrahītgrahaagrāhyeu tatsthatadañjanatā samāpatti
1.42 tatra śabdārthajñānavikalpai saṅkīrā savitarkā samāpatti  
1.43 smtipariśuddhau svarūpaśūnyevārthamātranirbhāsā nirvitarkā  
1.44 etayaiva savicārā nirvicārā ca sūkma viaya vyākhyātā  
1.45 sūkmaviayatva cāliṅgaparyavasānam
1.46 tā eva sabīja samādhi  
1.47 nirvicāravaiśāradye 'adhyātmaprasāda
1.48 ṛtabharā tatra prajñā  
1.49 śrutānumānaprajñābhyāmanyaviayā viśeārthatvāt  
1.50 tajja saskāro 'nyasaskārapratibandhī
1.51 tasyāpi nirodhe sarvanirodhānnirbīja samādhi

Aug 19, 2012

Hatha Yoga Pradipika Online

"There exists at present a good deal of misconception with regard to the practices of the Haṭha Yoga. People easily believe in the stories told by those who themselves heard them second hand, and no attempt is made to find out the truth by a direct reference to any good treatise."
Whether young, old or too old, sick or lean, one who discards laziness, gets success if he practises Yoga. 2.66

Success comes to him who is engaged in the practice. How can one get success without practice; for by merely reading books on Yoga, one can never get success. 2.67

Success cannot be attained by adopting a particular dress (Veṣa). It cannot be gained by telling tales. Practice alone is the means to success. This is true, there is no doubt. 2.68
Full copy of the "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" translated by Pancham Sinh

Aug 18, 2012

Gheranda Samhita Online

"(Having closed the eyes) let him contemplate that there is a sea of nectar in his heart: that in the midst of that sea there is an island of precious stones, the very sand of which is pulverized diamonds and rubies. That on all sides of it there are Kadamba trees, laden with sweet flowers; that, next to these trees, like a rampart, there is a row of flowering trees, such as the malati, jati, kesara, champaka, parijata and padmas, and that the fragrance of these flowers is spread all round, in every quarter. In the middle of this garden, let the Yogi imagine that there stands a beautiful Kalpa tree, having four branches, representing the four Vedas, and that it is full of flowers and fruits. Insects are humming there and cuckoos singing. Beneath that tree, let him imagine a rich platform of precious gems, and on that a costly throne inlaid with jewels, and that on the throne sits his particular Deity, as taught to him by his Guru. Let him contemplate on the appropriate form, ornaments and vehicle of that Deity.” 
Full copy of "Gheranda Samhita" Translation and commentary by Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra Vasu

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