Jun 3, 2014

A glimpse of Mysore

New video documenting moments from led primary, led intermediate, and mysore practice at the KPJAYI (Mysore, India).

Jun 2, 2014

Inspiration: Krista Shirley

Success cannot be attained by adopting a particular dress (Veṣa). It cannot be gained by telling tales. Practice alone is the means to success. This is true, there is no doubt. -2.68 Hatha Yoga Pradipika

KPJAYI Authorized teacher Krista Shirley practicing third series before teaching her workshop in Panama. May 24, 2014. The video demonstrates Bhairavasana through Galavasana in Advanced A series of Ashtanga Yoga.

May 30, 2014

Summer schedule, how to get back in the game, and a short video intro with David Robson


Q: I haven't been practicing... With the holidays, and work, and life, and the cold weather I just stopped. Now I dread coming back because I think it will be too hard and also I am a little embarrassed and disappointed in myself. Should I come back?

A: Yes, of course you should come back to practice! Practice is effort toward steadiness of mind. Don't worry about completing some acrobatic feat. What is really interesting, really what it is about is just showing up. So okay, you got a little distracted. You can have a fresh start tomorrow. In terms of asanas, just start small and slowly do a little bit more each day, couple of days, weeks, or even months. It depends on how long you took off... No matter. It will probably take some time for things to feel natural again and to get into the daily rhythm and that is okay. While time off is not recommended, the good thing about it is that when you start practicing again you'll quickly realize why you missed it so much and it will probably be more difficult to let it go again when life gets stressful. No fearing, you come!  (Original post here)

Read David's post on "ujjayi".

And learn more about initiating your practice.

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