Feb 12, 2013

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread

I found this simple and tasty recipe for Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread from Pickles and Honey.  I changed a couple of things based on what I had and I also used only half the sweetener.  It came out beautifully.  My last pumpkin bread was a bit and dense.  Not this time.

Here's what I look for in store bought chocolate (or carob) chips:

I had no idea that sugar isn't always vegetarian.  Here is a list of companies that do and do not use bone char.

Feb 11, 2013

The Ultimate Guide to Dairy-Free Milks

I have never made my own non-dairy milk, but with this amazing guide from Heather Crosby of YumUniverse anyone can give it a go.  Some possibilities include: almond, amaranth, brazil nut, brown rice, buckwheat, cashew, coconut, hazel nut, hemp seed, poppy seed...

Feb 10, 2013

Wondering about a vegan diet?

The Yoga Comics

Have you seen The Yoga Comics?  This new project created by Boonchu Tanti is all about the real-life humor that goes along with being an 8-limb householder.  Check out The Yoga Comics facebook page for new stories.  There might even be one by me in the near future :) Here are the first two comics with stories by Jessica Walden.

"Andrew does a daily puja that involves chanting and meditation. On this particular day, Andrew did his normal preparations, dressed himself in his doti, did his chanting, and then started to meditate, sitting in lotus, on our living room floor. Biscotti (the dog) thought he must want to play since he was sitting on the floor. So she grabbed her favorite toy, the rubber chicken, and placed it next to Andrew's knee. She waited. He meditated. She growled. He meditated. She picked up the rubber chicken and placed it ON his knee. He meditated. She barked loudly as if to say "stop your meditating and throw that damn rubber chicken, will ya!!" He meditated….

In the samadhi state, a man had become one with a dog.....he had even become one with the rubber chicken."

"I was doing self-practice and the kids were home and playing together. I was in the flow of my practice, very focused and serious. I was doing arm balances in Advanced A series. My 5 year old broke my serious focus by hollering from the bathroom 'Mom, can you come wipe me!'
There is an ancient saying: ... 'Before enlightenment, wipe bottoms; after enlightenment, wipe bottoms.'

Jessica Walden began a daily yoga practice in 1994 and, over the last 12 years, has made several trips to Mysore, India, to study with Guruji, Sharath, and Saraswati. She is married to Andrew Hillam and a happy mother of two boys and one chihuahua.

Feb 9, 2013

Weekend Edition #1

Eating to support your practice
Guy Donahaye
Ashtanga Yoga Shala NYC

How to learn Ashtanga Yoga. Led class versus Mysore class?
Magnolia Zuniga
Mysore San Francisco

How to practice when hell’s freezing over
Angela Jamison
Ashtanga Yoga Ann Arbor

The winds
Kate O'Donnell
Ashtanga 4 Life

Food + Yoga
New segment on the blog on you guessed it, food!

Check out
No Impact Man (book, movie, how-to's)
Vegucated (trailer, watch online)

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