Apr 30, 2012


Real student questions...

Q: I don't know any of the series in order, I don't have a cheat sheet and I know Mysore is without instruction, how will I know what I'm doing?

A: Actually, Mysore is completely with instruction. Each student is taught a sequence of asanas appropriate to their individual abilities. Every day one comes to practice and repeats that same sequence of asanas until they are mastered. The teacher is always supervising and assisting as necessary. When the moment is right the teacher adds the next asana and the process is repeated. So it is not necessary to know anything on your first day. You will be taught what you need to do. You don't need a cheat sheet. Each person learns gradually. The only thing you need is a sincere interest and commitment to practice.

Q: 6:15 am is really early, do I have to show up right at 6:15?

A: Students are welcome to arrive at their convenience within the designated practice hours. What this means is that students may arrive for practice as early as six am when the doors open -- the teacher is in the classroom from 6:30-9:30 am -- and they must be finished by 10am when the doors close. So if someone has a practice of one hour, they must begin their practice no later than 8:45 am to make sure they are finished by 10 am.

Q: How long will I be there for practice every morning? (I need to know so I can plan the rest of my morning accordingly.)

A: Budget 45 minutes to 1 hour per day for your first month. It might be less than that, but it is good to have the extra time just in case.

Q: I'm a little overweight / out of shape / weak / not flexible / old / young / etc... Can I still do this practice?

A: Absolutely anyone can do this practice. Come as you are!

Q: What should I wear?

A: Close-fitting breathable clothing. Whatever you are comfortable in. Just be sure it is clean and fresh every day.

Q: What do I bring with me?

A: A yoga mat if you have one or you can purchase one here at the Shala. $30-$100 depending on which you choose.

Q: Do I buy a month at a time? Do I come everyday or is there a 3 day a week card?

A: Tuition is paid monthly. You'll receive the most benefit the more you practice. So try to come as often as possible. You take Saturdays, moon days, and the first three days of your period off from practice.

Q: What do I eat/drink before I come? Can I drink water during practice?

A: Try to arrive on an empty stomach. It is best to not take water during practice.

Got a question? Email eliseashtangayoga@gmail.com

Feb 25, 2012

Video Intro to the Bhagavad Gita

Full video on learner.org
featuring Sandy Crawford, Douglas Cuomo, David Damrosch, Gadadhara Pandit Dasa, Vishakha Desai, Philip Glass, Jack Hawley, Amitav Kaul, and Sheldon Pollock.

Feb 18, 2012

Asana Labs

Primary Series asanas dissected

Sundays 3/25, 4/15, 5/13, 6/10
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Sunday, March 25 surya namaskar, standing asanas, tristhana
Sunday, April 15 seated asanas, vinyasa
Sunday, May 13 bandha, balance, backbending
Sunday, June 10 the space between

Primary Series asanas dissected. Part practice, part theory.

Themes include:
Alignment and essential anatomy
What to look for and what to avoid
Healthy and happy knees and shoulders
How to create more space in the body and mind
Overcoming obstacles
The benefits and therapeutic indications of the asanas
Maximum benefit with minimum effort (working smarter instead of harder)

more info and sign-up

Feb 13, 2012

Event: Mary Jo Mulligan

A special practice with KPJAYI Certified teacher Mary Jo Mulligan

Sunday, March 11, 2012
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
206 Dartmouth Dr NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106

Mary Jo started practicing yoga in 1990 and teaching Ashtanga Yoga since 1997. She achieved her formal Authorization to teach Ashtanga Yoga in July of 2003 by the late Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and Certification by Sharath Jois in September of 2009, after completing her 10th trip to Mysore, India.

Mary Jo studies chanting at the Vedic Chant Center with Sonia Nelson in Santa Fe, NM, where she currently resides. Other yoga training includes workshops with several world-recognized teachers from the Ashtanga, Iyengar and Viniyoga traditions. Mary Jo has also accomplished the following: Masters of Arts in Eastern Philosophy from St. John’s College in Santa Fe, NM; Yoga Works Teacher Training Program in Santa Monica, CA; Certification of Instruction in Exercise Science from University of California, San Diego, CA; Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance at the 500 hour certification level.

See Mary Jo’s website at www.ashtangawithdetail.com for further information and testimonials to her teaching ability.

Feb 8, 2012

Yoga Sutras Online

"Man wants truth, wants to experience truth for himself; when he has grasped it, realised it, felt it within his heart of hearts, then alone, declare the Vedas, would all doubts vanish, all darkness be scattered, and all crookedness be made straight...The science of Raja-Yoga proposes to put before humanity a practical and scientifically worked out method of reaching truth." -Swami Vivekananda, Raja Yoga 1896(?)

Full copy of "Conquering the Internal Nature:  Raja Yoga" Yoga Sutra commentary by Swami Vivekananda

Feb 2, 2012

The Fuzz Speech

Don't be confused. You aren't getting old, you're just fuzzed over. Why it is important to practice every day - through thick and thin and why getting started/restarted after time off can be a bit of an uphill battle. "Take responsibility for melting the fuzz"!

Jan 17, 2012

Magnolia's Conference Notes: Obstacles in Yoga Practice

'Yogis should be honest.' Conference notes Nov 6, 2011 w/ Sharath Jois
By Magnolia Zuniga
Posted 11/8/11
Source blog.mysoresf.com

Every Sunday afternoon at 4pm (shala time) is conference with Sharath Jois. This is a time for him to talk about the practice, the philosophy, etc and answer questions from students. Conference on Nov 6th, 2011 Sharath spoke on the many obstacles that come along the path. I touch on just a few...  

Obstacles in Yoga practice...

On Doubt - The practice of Hatha Yoga is not easy and requires sacrifice of many things. Many people have doubt about the practice, the lineage. Instead of surrendering they want to argue. As life changes we have new doubts and new challenges. Guruji used to say 'Practice and all is coming' but if there is no practice how will doubt be cleared? 

In college we must prepare and study. To find answers we read books. But in yoga we practice to find answers. We can read Bhagavad Gita, and Hatha Yoga Pradipika but this is intellectual knowledge. We continue practicing Hatha Yoga to find better answers to the questions...

What is God?
What is yoga?
What is spirituality?
What is life?

On Carelessness - Our carelessness brings lots of problems and our minds get distracted. When we're careless we're not thinking properly. Students come to Mysore, do yoga one month and turns into a gym. If you come to surrender yourself to practice, the effect will be totally different. When you come to Mysore your aim should be to practice yoga. Then mind is clear and focused. Many times it happens students lose energy...

too much talking...losing energy...
too much talking...losing energy...at coconut stand...talking, talking.

On Confusion - Confusion kills yoga practice. Students learn tradition and someone tells them 'oh what they are teaching there is not correct, do this yoga, this is better yoga' then 6 months same thing, and they do another type yoga, then 6 months later another type yoga, and it's like this. Then they say 'Oh I did this yoga, and that yoga and this yoga.' They should also say they are confused. Yogis should be honest.

Question: 'Sharath, why if we're supposed to be relaxed in a posture do you push our limits?'

Answer: [Smiling] You're misunderstanding relaxation. Relaxation in a posture means that if I count it for 2 hours you can stay. You have to reach your limitations longer. You should steadily take to your posture. Bring stability then you can hold for long time.  

[laughing] I feel happy for you Guruji is not there. 

Magnolia started practicing various styles of yoga in 1991. She began practicing Mysore Ashtanga Yoga in 1997 with certified teacher Noah Williams and authorized teacher Kimberly Flynn. She first met and studied with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and Sharath Jois in 2004 on her first trip to India. Since then she has traveled and studied in Mysore 7 times and taught Mysore Ashtanga Yoga in Hong Kong, Tokyo, France and is currently running a traditional Mysore Ashtanga School 'Mysore SF' in San Francisco. She continues her studies with Sharath Jois in Mysore South India each year.

Magnolia received blessings to teach in 2007 and is now an authorized level 2 teacher.

For more information about Magnolia please visit her website www.magnoliashtanga.com

republished with permission

Reminds me of this:

Jan 16, 2012

Ujjayi vs. Free Breathing

I've heard this brought up in conference on multiple occasions, meaning that I've witnessed the question being asked of the current lineage holder of the Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga yoga method - R. Sharath Jois.  The bandhas and breathing in the system are very specific.  Listen properly!  Also good to realize the importance of the student-teacher relationship...

The Same River
By David Robson
Posted May 4, 2011
Source David's Blog
There is some contention around the idea of “traditional” Ashtanga.

Traditionalists would be the teachers and practitioners that follow the practice as it is taught in Mysore, India. We practice 6 days a week, with rest days on Saturdays and the days of the full and new moon. Practice is done “Mysore-style,” in a group setting. We progress pose-by-pose through one of the six series. That would seem like a fairly straightforward distinction, but it gets more complicated. Some of the fine details of the teaching have changed over the last 50 years. Some postures have been added or taken out, some have different entrances and exits, and some have longer or shorter holds. So, a teacher who went to Mysore in 1980 might be teaching Ashtanga as they learned it back then, and calling it “traditional”, while someone who went to Mysore last year might also call their practice traditional. Their practices would show many differences. Who’s right?

The practice has altered very little since my first visit to India, 9 years ago. The poses and vinyasa count, as they are taught now, are almost exactly the same as they were taught to me on that first visit. However, there have been some small changes. So, every year, when I return to Mysore, I listen carefully to Sharath as he leads us through the led classes and lectures in the weekly conference. Whenever I notice a change, I integrate it into my teaching. That means that when I get back to Toronto and my home shala, I teach all my students the new version. Most of the time the changes aren’t actually new information, but clarifications and corrections, a sharper focus on the already existing details.

On my last trip to Mysore, I heard something new. It was during the weekly conference with Sharath. While talking about the breath during practice, someone mentioned “Ujjayi Breath.” Sharath corrected them, saying Ujjayi is a pranayama, a formal breathing exercise, and then moved on to another topic.

At first, I assumed I had misunderstood what Sharath was saying. I had always thought Ujjayi Breath was one of the key principles of Ashtanga Yoga. Confused, I went to the source, Yoga Mala, by Sri K Pattabhi Jois, to see what he had written more than 50 years ago. To my surprise, there is no mention of Ujjayi Breath with vinyasa. None.

A month later I saw Sharath again. I had the chance to ask him if we do Ujjayi Breath during our asana practice. He said no, explaining that Ujjayi Breath is one of the Pranayama techniques of Ashtanga Yoga. In Ashtanga, Pranayama is begun only when a practitioner has started the Advanced Series. During our asana practice we only do steady and even puraka and rechaka, inhalation and exhalation.

It would be easier if we could think of the tradition as unwavering; that the practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga has remained unaltered since its inception. But no tradition is like that; nothing stays the same. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus wrote, “Ever-newer waters flow on those who step into the same rivers." I think of the teaching the same way. The tradition is not still. At different moments in time it has been taught with this or that vinyasa, this or that count, but it is always from the same source. It would be impossible for me to follow the tradition without listening to my teacher. The river is always changing, but its source is always the same.

Be sure to read the comment section as well here

David Robson is the co-owner and director of the Ashtanga Yoga Centre of Toronto, where he leads one of the world’s largest Mysore programs. He made his first trip to Mysore, India in 2002, where he initiated studies with his teacher Sharath Jois. Since then he has returned annually to deepen and enrich his practice and teaching. He is Level-2 Authorized by the Sri K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute.

republished with permission

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